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What is a Sensory Room?As you probably know: A Sensory Room is a room, or a quiet spot somewhere in the house, with all kinds of items (therapy tools, toys, decorations) which are helpful in decreasing sensory overload. To be honest, not so long ago I thought a Sensory Room was just too much, too overdone. Little by little I realized that Sensory Integration Therapy, like once a week, is doing my son very well, but he actually needs it every day. Sometimes even more times a day. And I kept on hearing and reading encouraging stories of other parents. I just had to give it a try. It is more wonderful than I imagined. The room is our very special spot with very special rules. The kids call it the ‘Swing Room’ because they love swinging the most. The room even has another name: the ‘Whisper Room’. When one child is relaxing on a swing, we don’t need to have the other kids running and racing around, how much fun that can be. So, the time in the Swing Room is one of quiet. When one of the kids is swinging, the others are sitting cozily on a soft mattress with some cushions, reading books, and they all enjoy this ‘quiet time’! Often I play a CD with nice soft music, the light is not bright (definitely no fluorescent lighting) and the colors in the room are soft toned. My room is ‘simple’ but nice and peaceful with the least distractions. I still have a list of things I want to add, like a lavalamp and an indoor trampoline, but ‘simple’ as it may be, the room is already a success.
What are the benefits of swinging?Swinging as therapy is a component of Sensory Integration therapy. What is Sensory Integration? Sensory experiences include touch, movement, body awareness, sight, sound and the pull of gravity. The process of the brain organizing and interpreting this information is called sensory integration. Sensory integration provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior. For most children, sensory integration develops in the course of ordinary childhood activities. Motor planning ability is a natural outcome of the process, as is the ability to adapt to incoming sensations. But for some children, sensory integration does not develop as efficiently as it should. When the process is disordered, a number of problems in learning, development, or behavior may become evident.
What are the dynamics of swinging?Some important information about the dynamics of swinging and keeping a portable swing frame stable. As our therapy swing frames are now being used more for a post adolescent population, we want to address the needs of these older swingers who are also stronger, heavier, and (hopefully) more independent. Keeping a swing frame stable and safe is effected by 3 main dynamics of swinging: +Combined weight of swinger and swing +Radius of the arc (length of rope) +Force of the swinging (how high up they are swinging Also, please note; the more slick the floor the more likely the legs will wander. Your overview; what kind of swinging are you looking for and how big are the people, for now and in the future, who will be using the equipment? The vigorous swinging of an older heavy person will need a sturdier frame. Another heavy person may need only slight motion and can do well with either a Homestand II or HPSI frame. For instance, here is a picture of several kids, about 650 Lbs total on the Homestand II. The frame is taking the weight, but the swinging is very light. This is very static swinging, back and forth well within the spread of the legs. Also, note the Plywood Platform swing is about 2 feet off the ground for a shorter radius and the legs are less likely to move around in the front lawn. On the same setup a 50 or 60 lb. child on a light weight swing (like the 20 Lb Plywood Platform pictured here) can pretty much have any safe swinging movement they desire, even on a hardwood floor, just don’t bang into the legs. A 150 lb person can swing just to the spread of the legs, go outside and the frame will want to shift. Here we are most concerned with swinging front to back. Circular swinging (not spinning) like on a tire swing is not recommended, the frame will shift and feel unstable. However both the frames are made for spinning off the center swivel. So, we have decided to be more prudent and lower the weight capabilities of the Homestand II, to now 250 Lbs and the HPSI model is now 275 Lbs. and to develop the VLF model portable swing frame to address the needs of this growing population. The VLF (Very Large Frame) is twice as wide, a little taller, heavier, still portable, and built to take a variety of swinging motions. With this important explanation of stability we hope you can make a better informed choice and enjoy a safer swinging experience with equipment that will work for you now and in the future . Now that you’re an expert in choosing a swing frame, you must visit our store and explore our selections. Of course, you can also contact us by email or phone if you have any questions on how to proceed.
How do I know which to choose?A few things you will want to consider are what the frame is for and how it will be used. we have some helpful categories that will let you what will be best for your circumstance. The categories are: -Suitable for Adults or Good for Juniors -Easy setup or Needs Installation -Portable or Mounted Download our Help me Choose pdf for more information. You may also find our2019 Pricing Guide and Swing Frame Comparison pdfs helpful in making your decision.
How can I secure my swing?We advise to get a piece of sturdy carpet to catch all 4 legs, or 2 legs of the Swing-Swing Carpet comes 12' wide, for a VLF you will need at least 14' length for a 12' x 14' minimum. 12 x 12 for the HD-120 and 10 x 10 for the HPSI and Homestand II. This will stop the legs from moving independently. However the force of the swinging may still be enough for the carpet to move on a wood or tile floor. In that case get 4 non-slip rubber furniture pads 4" square that you can get from most any hardware store or online thru ebay or amazon. Putting these under the carpet directly under each leg foot, between the carpet and floor. This should keep your swing stand in place.
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